My yoga journey didn't start like I thought it would have. I took a class and felt out of place, I didn’t know the poses or what the names meant and I left feeling disheartened. This is where my journey might have ended; however, years later i still felt a pull and I tried again. I tried a class in an environment that was run by warm people where I felt safe in which to be vulnerable. After this class I was hooked, I fell in love with yoga. I share this because my goal is to have everyone's first experience to be what my second was. Through yoga, my back pain has healed, I have gained physical strength and have embarked on a spiritual journey that has led me to love myself for who I am today. I knew I wanted to teach as a way to share these gifts with others, so I took my 200hr training 6 months after staring yoga. As a teacher my goal is to lead you, whatever your level, through a yoga practice that allows you to embrace your strength and grow it. I create an environment where it is safe to admit when you don’t know a pose or need more help. Its so rewarding to see the progress that my students have over their yoga journey and supporting them through it. I encourage my students to just try, as each time you try you get better and one day you will surprise yourself. I love people and can't wait to see you in class.